• Course Duration 10 Hours
  • Course Languageenglish
  • Course Videos0

What you will learn

  • Introduction to the Marketing & Sports Marketing
  • Marketing in a Sports Environment
  • Market Segmentation Targeting and Positioning
  • Strategic Planning & Applications in Sports Marketing
  • The marketing plan development and implementation
  • Consumer Behaviour in Sports
  • Promotion of sports through the public and private sector
  • The 5 Pillars of the Indian Sports Industry & Promotion through Public & Private Sectors
  • Future Trends in Sports Marketing & Recent Developments


A distinctive online course adapted from the famous book "Business of Sports" by Vinit Karnik that teaches the fundamentals of the sports marketing environment.


This course spans different techniques to study and analyse various sports and their markets all around the globe, especially in India.

These 45 videos cover different aspects and concepts of sports, like the 18 different ways of sports marketing, knowing the fans and the spectators, athlete endorsements, and positioning that are a must-need for becoming an exceptional expert in sports.


It delves deeper into the future of sports marketing, the creation of Esports, and fantasy sports. How is artificial intelligence in sports helping and growing? 


Sports Marketing


Sports Marketing


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